Remote Patient Monitoring

VITAL Remote Patient Monitoring empowers clinicians with comprehensive tools to remotely monitor and support their patients, fostering continuity of care and adherence to health objectives. Through a suite of applications including VITAL Connect, VITAL Medical Video, Patient Assessment tools, and VITAL Rehab, clinicians can seamlessly engage with their patients. VITAL Connect and VITAL Medical Video facilitate secure telehealth video chats, bridging the gap between patients and providers. Meanwhile, VITAL Rehab offers tailored exercises to enhance strength and manage chronic conditions. Additionally, the Patient Assessment tool provides clinicians with real-time access to vital signs and health management data, enabling informed decision-making and proactive intervention. By leveraging these integrated solutions, clinicians can optimize patient outcomes and promote a collaborative approach to healthcare delivery.

Clinicians can efficiently monitor their patients remotely using VITAL Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) technology, ensuring continuous care and timely interventions. Through this system, clinicians can remotely track vital signs, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation, enabling them to assess the patient’s health status in real-time. VITAL RPM facilitates seamless communication between patients and healthcare providers, allowing for personalized care plans and early detection of any concerning trends or anomalies. With secure data transmission and user-friendly interfaces, clinicians can easily access patient data, review trends, and make informed decisions regarding treatment adjustments or interventions. This remote monitoring capability enhances patient autonomy and satisfaction while optimizing clinical workflows and resource allocation. Overall, VITAL RPM empowers clinicians to deliver proactive and effective care, even from a distance, ultimately improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What RPM services do you provide?

    The VITAL Telehealth platform supports secure remote video consultations, enables enrollment in chronic disease management (CDM) programs, and captures remote vital signs from smart medical devices.

  • How can I track and monitor my progress?

    The VITAL Telehealth platform allows both the patient and the health care provider to track progress in real-time by displaying historical vital sign readings, results from daily disease management program (DMP) sessions, and through live interactive video consults.

  • Do I need any special equipment?

    The VITAL Telehealth platform does not require any specialized equipment in order to support patient care requirements. Although we offer the VITAL Tablet, VITAL Hub, and VITAL TV unit as available options, VITAL Mobile Apps also work on a patient’s Apple and Android smartphones and are intuitive and easy to use.

Key Features

Contact Us to learn more about the VITAL Telehealth platform

Would you like to learn more about how our VITAL Telehealth platform can be tailored to support the specific needs and requirements of your organization? Contact us to learn more about the capabilities of the VITAL Telehealth platform and how it can be leveraged to support remote patient monitoring (RPM) programs.